Tuesday, June 3, 2008

06/03/08; rain. enough said

Again the day began with rain. As the days go on they slowly become brighter even though the clouds never leave. My mission today is laundry and it's proving more difficult than you would think. Apparently the hostel uses the same room for their laundry that they allow residents to use. Presently the room is piled high with linens meaning I have to wait till tonight to do mine. This is very annoying. I did have some marvelous tomato and basil soup for lunch today along with a lager from the highlands. The beer here is amazing, I'd say it's preferable to anything you could purchase back home. I also booked a golf outing at a traditional course in the nearby town of North Berwick. The owner of the store I booked it through was actually kind enough to loan me his own golf shoes for the outing since it would me ridiculous for me to purchase an additional pair of shoes just for the day. I'm booked for 12:37 tomorrow and am really looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having an awesome time, Trey, despite the rain. I'm glad to hear it and hope it continues well! ACL