Saturday, June 7, 2008

07/06/08; what you hear is not always what you get

Camden town in London England sucks; this hostel is a money trap and Camden town is the choice place to life for anyone indulging in an "alternative lifestyle". While I was trying to find a place to eat yesterday I stumbled upon a place that served burgers and chips for cheap. what a find i thought to myself, and it was till I got upstairs and realized I was surrounded by gays and transsexuals. Needless to say I nearly jumped from one floor to the next. I have honestly never seen a place where you are unusual if your not wearing black, nearly everyone here makes me very uncomfortable. The market is a massive collection of strange products and art which would make any normal person cringe. The artificial body modifications created for raves are the worst, damn manikins nearly scared me out of my skin.
The one good thing about the market is the food, vendors are set up everywhere and you can literally eat a meal which is half Italian and half Brazilian. speaking of which, I'm off to get some food right now. hmm... brown shirt or black shirt?

...definitely Brown, god forbid they mistake me for one of their own.

Surprise... Camden turned out to be ok in the end after all. Not the locals so much as the other people traveling around. I found two wonderful surprises last night, and i say surprises because i really had very low expectations of my experience in Camden. First i discovered that just before the market vendors close you can get enormous proportions for only two pounds (great news for the money conscious college graduate). Second, as I sat down to eat dinner on the nearby stairs, I sat near another group of ignorant travelers. Ivan and Olivia from London, and Berta, Chris , Drew from Hungary. After only a couple minutes of conversation they insisted I join them; I did and ended up having a great night out with my new friends.

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