Thursday, June 19, 2008

06/16/08 -06/18/08; A bit of Barcelona

We did alot in Barcelona. We visited the beach, which was fun but less exciting than expected. We went to the maritime museum and then experienced the famous night life (walking home alone was not an experience I'll soon forget though). We had a very good personal pub crawl on the last night, this was particularly fun because we got to sample many of the different social atmospheres in the city and meet many different people. We also explored two creations of the famous Barcelonian Architect Gaudi. We saw one of his houses and his garden. While the structural design of the house may have been genius, the rest of the house leaves one wanting to escape from a scene similar to the elaborate drawings in a doctor suess book. His work on the garden was awesome though and I personally believe he would have made a quite successful landscaper. All in all Im not very happy with Barcelona though. Their are far to many tourists here and illigal street activity's such as theft, drugs, and prostitution are blatant. Honestly I was stressed almost the entire time I was here because much like Camden town i simply didn't feel safe.

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